Angkor Wat

Welcome to visit Travel 2 Angkor Wat Temple. Angkor Wat temple in Siem Reap province, found north of Siem Reap around 7 km from the province Street KOMAI or Charles De Gaulle.
It's the biggest Hinduism and the biggest religious In the world. Angkor was make by Suryavarman 2, a major accomplishment and famous names outstanding known to all around the 
 world. Built in the early 12th century in Yasodharapura (present-day Angkor) Khmer Empire temple and Preah Sosan.Turning the Seveak tradition of previous Wat was instead dedicated to VISHNU. As the best preserved temple at the site, it is the only one who left a major religious center since its foundation first Hindu Religion, dedicated to Preah Vishnu, then Buddhist. The temple is at the top of the high classical style of Khmer architecture. It has become a symbol of Cambodia appearing on its national flag as representation Khmer nation and it is a major tourist attraction for the country.

Angkor Wat combines two basic plans of Khmer temple architecture: the Temple Phnom and the Temple of the galleried based on early Dravid architectural features such ideals. The castle is designed to represent Phnom Preah Someru, home of the gods in the mythological Hindu: In testimony or Costa water surrounded about 16 km. Heels testimony's real castle with a length of 1500 mm x width 1300 mm on a 200 mm main road entering from the west arrived at the castle Central has a length of 250 mm at the top middle of the high-largest kingdom's presence height of 65 m and the outer wall 3.6 kilometers 2.2 mi. Long is a porch There are three corners each gallery adjacent to the porch. In the center of the temple stands a quincunx of towers.